Free Kindergarten - 2nd Grade with scholarship; Free VPK

Now Enrolling for the 2024-25 school year, PreK-2nd Grade

Latest News

(for 2s and 3s only)

Morning Options:
Morning with Lunch Bunch:

Morning with Extended Day Option

Tutoring is also available for struggling students.

Call (904) 551-1283
for more information.

Engaging Young Minds Acadamy
is a non-profit 501(c3) organization and donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

Private Pay Rates 24-25

Regular School Hours:
8:00 AM-3:00 PM
Extended Care:
7:00 AM- 8:00 AM; 3:30 PM-5:30 PM

Upcoming Events

2024-2025 School Year
PreK-2nd Grade

Space is still available for VPK, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade

Engaging Young Minds Academy Inc.
5029 Greenway Drive North, Jacksonville, Florida 32244
License #C04DU1516

Call (904) 551-1283
for more information.
Space is Limited - call now.

Enrollment Form

Sign Up for our Mailing List!


2024 First Part of Year
8/12-8/161st Day of School    
9/02-9/06Labor Day    
9/09-9/13    Progress Rpts
9/23-9/27 Early Release VPK2Parent Conferences
10/14-10/18Planning Day    
10/21-10/25   Reprt Crds K
10/28- 11/1  Early Release VPK2Open HouseWeather Day
11/4- 11/8     
11/11-11/15Veteran's Day    
11/18-11/22  Early Release VPK2  
11/25-11/29*Thanksgiving Holiday

Full 24-25 Calendar

Our Story & Mission

Our Story

What We're All About

ENGAGING YOUNG MINDS ACADEMY Inc. adheres to a student-centered approach to learning where students are at the center of every lesson and activity and opportunities are provided for them to engage in collaborative activities with teachers and peers on a daily basis. Students are exposed to basic foundational skills and various learning experiences in Reading, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.

Our Mission

Innovative & Responsible

Our mission is to create a safe, nurturing and rigorous learning environment that encourages high expectations, engages, prepares, and equips young minds with the tools they need to be successful. We proudly adhere to the highest standards of education and caregiving. Through cooperative play and creative activities, kids reach their social, emotional and physical milestones and stay on target.


Our Standards

Research shows that 90 percent of a child's brain develops in the first five years of life. We strive to provide developmentally appropriate curriculum and engage in practices that target the five developmental domains in early learning.



Our Promise To You ...

  • Students are at the center of every lesson and activity and opportunities are provided for students to engage in collaborative activities with teachers and peers on a daily basis.

  • Students are exposed to basic foundational skills in Reading, Writing, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies.
  • Instruction and activities are differentiated and designed to challenge students critically.

  • We provide child centered, exploratory, and discovery-based learning experiences.

  • Small class sizes for individualized learning.

  • Video Monitored Premises.

  • Certified Teachers.

  • School Readiness/VPK.

  • After School & Summer Programs.

  • Air Purifier system to mitigate the spread of viruses and Germs.

  • Parent Involvement Events.

  • PreK and VPK Bi-annual testing and parent conferences.

  • First Aid and CPR trained staff.

The educational programs at ENGAGING YOUNG MINDS ACADEMY Inc. were created with our children's needs in mind: to help them mature and develop in a safe yet stimulating learning environment and to boost critical thinking skills. This means providing a curriculum for our Preschool and Kindergarten students that is developmentally appropriate with a focus on early literacy, Mathematics, and social skills to prepare them for future success.

COVID-19 Policies:

  • Frequent Hand Washing with soap and water.
  • Hand Sanitizing Stations.
  • Social Distancing practices.
  • Use of an alcohol-based hand sanitizer with at least 75% alcohol.
  • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces.
  • Use of face covering by all staff members.
  • Daily temperature checks twice a day-Upon arrival and during the day.
  • Keeping each group of children in separate classrooms.
  • Groups of no more than 9 children in each classroom.
  • Limiting the mixing of children, such as staggering meal and playground times and keeping groups separate for special activities such as art, and music.

What you can do to help:

  • Keep children home when they are sick. Children who have a fever of 100.4° (38.0°C) or above or other signs of illness WILL NOT be admitted to the facility. If your child has a cough or chills, please keep him/her at home and check in with your pediatrician.
  • If you are sick, please stay home.
  • Wash hands frequently and teach children the proper handwashing technique.
  • Maintain Social Distancing.
  • Wear a face covering when social distancing is not feasible.
  • Follow the CDC guidelines and maintain at least 6 feet between you and others while in the Lobby.
  • Cover cough and sneezes.



Our preschool program prepares our 3s and 4s for success in Kindergarten and beyond through exploration and discovery and teacher guided practice and discussion. We use the Creative Curriculum which includes a foundation volume supporting social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development. Whiteboards are provided in each classroom to enhance the learning environment and improve learning outcomes.


Our Kindergarten Program also uses the Creative Curriculum as well as the Innovations Curriculum to support developmentally appropriate learning experiences and help individualize instruction to increase Kindergarten readiness.

Flexible VPK

We offer free VPK for qualified families. The child must be four years old on, or before September 1st. To accommodate parent needs, parents may choose to bring their child from 9am-12:30pm with the option of wraparound care.

After School Program

Our after-school program provides students a quiet and safe environment to complete homework or work on quiet activities with a certified teacher available to provide support & answer questions. Our goal is to provide services that supports the development of the whole child academically, emotionally, and socially.

Summer Camp

Our summer camp features a variety of themes and fun activities including field trips, creativity and technology zones, dance classes, music, games, movie nights, etc. Don't let your child miss out on exploration and adventure!

Hybrid Learners

Engaging Young Minds Academy has an onsite computer lab to support students learning virtually so they can stay on track and get the support they need from certified instructors all while social distancing!

Indoor Play

Our Indoor Play areas provide toys and play equipment that allows free play that's necessary for optimal growth. Each toy and play area is sanitized after each use to ensure a clean and healthy learning environment for each child.

Art Lessons

Our Art Lessons are embedded in the curriculum. If you have specific questions about day-to-day activities or the program timeline, simply get in touch - one of our team members will be happy to help.

Computer Lab

Our computer lab features desktop and laptop computers to enhance your child's learning experiences by encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and early math and literacy skills. Age-appropriate learning activities on tablets and IPADS are also incorporated into daily activities and may be used during Learning Center Time and/or quiet time, twice a day for 15 minutes.

Contact Us

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Enrollment Form

Sign Up for our Mailing List!

Address: 5029 Greenway Drive North, Jacksonville, Florida 32244

Phone: (904) 551-1283
Cell: (904) 523-2674


Executive Director:
Mrs. Nkoyo Ross, MSc

Our Sanitation

Ethics and Professional Conduct

All employees and volunteers of Engaging Young Minds Academy Inc. are required to complete an Ethical Training annually, prior to the beginning of the school year.

EYM, Inc Employee Ethics Policy

Staff Qualifications
Nkoyo Ross
Bachelor of Arts in Language Arts
Msc. Information Studies
K-12 Principal Certification

Savannah Sirmans
Data Entry and Records

Stinavia Zephir
Bachelor of Arts Degree

Keely Ross
Associate of Arts

Misha Dawkins
Master of Science

Engaging Young Minds Academy, Inc.
© 2020-2025
Website Design by ESS